Reducing EMF in today’s interconnected world
EMF is not healthy, but unfortunately you cannot completely avoid it in these modern times where everything and everyone is connected. This is not an idea that is workable if you wish to remain part of today’s society. Your living space would look like a space themed recording studio and you’d have to go out in full armor. We have come to far down the road to turn the clock back and complete avoidance would require isolation. Most of still have to spend time in offices, schools and stay connected and reachable on the go or at home. What we need is a more pragmatic approach, one that reduces our EMF exposure without a noticeable change in life style or one that requires considerable investments in time, money and effort. You CAN be in control, just read on….

A better approach to reduce EMF for a healthier life is to prioritize those tactics that are both practical, affordable and will have a meaningful impact. There is little point for example in spending a fortune on various pieces of EMF shielding apparel whilst being drowned in strong EMF by frequent mobile phone calls or Airpods usage. The most important factors in EMF exposure are the following:
- Strength & Distance to EMF source
- Duration of exposure
- Timing (awake or asleep)
A better approach to reduce EMF for a healthier life is to prioritize those tactics that are both practical, affordable and will have a meaningful impact. There is little point for example in spending a fortune on various pieces of EMF shielded apparel whilst being drowned in strong EMF by frequent mobile phone calls or Airpods usage. The most important factors in EMF exposure are the following factors:
- Strength & Distance to EMF source
- Duration of exposure
- Timing (awake or asleep)